Spring 2025 Tentative Schedule:



Attached is an excel spreadsheet with several different virtual service events that can be done to help you reach your hour requirements. All virtual service opportunities are capped at 2 hours (unless otherwise stated or approved by me). Any other in-person outside hour opportunity will be capped at 5 hours.

Service Opportunities

To submit outside hours: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrxNSww8D9PI274exbGcQyPk5c6vL96NYBy1k0G1Hcf-Rv1w/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

All Mandatory Events

Mandatory events will still be required for all brothers to attend. General body meetings will be held every week. All active brothers are required to attend 2/3 meetings, associate brothers are required to attend 1/2 meetings, and alternate brothers at least 1 per month. There will be important information communicated by the E-board so even if a brother cannot attend a meeting, they should still check their email every Wednesday and read the minutes to stay up to date.

Hours Requirements

Alternate Associate5311

Revised Bylaws and Policies

See Bylaws here

See Policies here